Monday, May 5, 2008

New (Temporary) Home of BOTB

Is six days long enough to wait for a problem to go away? I think so. Well, Blogger's Help Desk folks are either all on vacation or are all out birding and they have yet to respond to the pleas of hundreds (if not thousands) of bloggers who upload via FTP. I will not bore you with the details here. Let's just say that I am a turkey for having waited this long for a far-flung human to solve this problem.

Now we're publishing on Blogspot, part of the same lumbering, stock-option happy, piece of Microsoft bait that spawned Blogger. Not sure I'll be here forever. But I'm here at least until Blogger gets its servers restarted and fixed.

Tomorrow I head to the New River Birding and Nature Festival in picturesque Fayetteville, WV. Dude, it's totally warblerville there. I'm doing the high-country warblers trip on Thursday with local bird maven Paul Shaw (aka pshaw) and I'm crossing fingers for 20+ warbler species by noonish.
Male American redstart along the New River.

Off to pack in a panic. Back soon.



  1. You've been found! Have a safe trip ;-)

  2. Bill, we see you here! Will add this to my RSS feeds also!

  3. 20+ YOWWWW! Wish I could go. Have a great time.

  4. Gotcha Bill -- Zick gave me the headsup.

  5. Thanks all. I hope to return eventually to Blogger for its richer features (when they work).

    Glad you found me.


  6. Found you! During my time as a Google contract employee, I rarely had any of my emails or phone calls answered by the help desk (or payroll or HR, for that matter). Best to take matters in your own hands when Google problems arise. Might want to consider hosting your own site if the Blogger problem persists.

    In any event, glad to have you back!

  7. Sounds like you're off to warbler heaven, Bill! Larry and I spotted 3 types in one tree along the Charles River yesterday and we were giddy (nice black-throated green!). Imagine if we saw 20...

  8. Great shot of the American Redstart. Those little buggers are so fast. Welcome to your new (temporary) home.

  9. So THERE you are. Thoughtcha could give us the slip, didn'tcha?

  10. Found you? I didn't know you were gone. I clicked and there you were. I don't know what everyone is blathering about.

    : )

  11. Glad Julie told us where to find you Bill. Hope you have a warberpallooza!

  12. Tag! You're IT!

    So, I couldn't connect with you via IE, but Mozilla made it happen. Glad I found you.

    So sorry I wasn't able to make it back to New River this year; I so wanted to read my poem for the group. So, will you find any GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLERS this year?


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