Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Groovy-billed Anis

The Groovy-billed Anis Back row from left: Jeff Gordon, Manny Madsen, BOTB, Ben Lizdas.
Front row from left: Marci M. Fuller, Nicholas Fuller, Terry Fuller, Liz deLuna Gordon.

Way back on April 30 when Blogger decided to "move my cheese," or rather it decided not to let me post my cheese in the way in which I had become accustomed, I was in the middle of a series of posts about the Big Sit team I was on for The Great Texas Birding Classic. The team was co-sponsored by the generous folks at Eagle Optics and Bird Watcher's Digest.

It was The Groovy-billed Anis and we came in second place in the GTBC Big Sit category. We did however win the prizes for having the most fun and the most-ossumest team shirts.

Each team shirt was a unique creation involving tie-dying, spray paint, and a stencil (thanks Claire!) of a groove-billed ani (a bird we did NOT see on the Big Sit day, by the way).

Here's a gallery of the Groovies.

Liz of the Cosmos, our spiritual leader.

Marci, our toasty hostess with the mostest.

Marci's hubby Terry our most intensely observant birder.

Nicholas who may create the first Wii birding game.

Marci's dad Manny lent the team a degree of class.

Ben Lizdas, birding maven from Eagle Optics.

Jeff Gordon spotter of most birds AND winner at Talladega Motor Speedway the following afternoon.

Bill of the Birds (who created this year's team shirts) Next stop: Project Runway!


  1. Groovy, baby!

    Birder, editor, musician, family man, fashion designer - Bill, you are truly a Renaissance Man.

    Oh, and way to go on the second-place finish!


  2. Birds? What birds? Walk it baby!

  3. Great shirts!
    Rickin and groovy were already taken.

  4. Nice shirts, nice team! I knew that Jeff Gordon guy looked familiar....
