Friday, April 11, 2008

Three Wee Kinglets

This afternoon, while doing a bit of birding at Magee Marsh State Park along Lake Erie with some fellow OOS members, I captured a few frames of a het-up male ruby-crowned kinglet. He was singing and displaying to a nearby female.

Check out the image captions for a description of what was happening with this bird.

Curious at our spishing, the male kinglet came closer.

He flared his bright crown at us (or his prospective mate)...

Then he leaped off the branch and disappeared into the thicket.

This was my best look EVER at a male ruby-crowned kinglet's crown. I got a few other frames which I share here in the future.

Lots of new arrivals here in northern Ohio, today, including Louisiana waterthrush, barn swallow, rough-winged swallow, and pine warbler.


  1. Great shots!! Love the third one :)

  2. Hey, I like your new banner with the red-headed girl on it.

  3. Good captures of the ruby crowned..they never stay still for me ;-) cheers.

  4. Clare of The House & other Arctic Musings just wrote about your new book Young Birders Guide ... . It looks great. Congratulations to you and Julie. I'll be buying it for my WV grandson. Any chance of a western version for my Tucson grandsons?

    Lovely shot of the leaping Kinglet!

  5. Um, did you say Barn Swallows?

    I saw the ruby crown on a kinglet once and got a photo in the deep dark woods. I was thrilled. You are a bird magnet.

    I like that redhead too!

  6. Do you know how many times I read the title of this post before I got the "We, Three Kings" reference? I'm slipping!

    Nice kinglet photos - how'd you ever catch them with your camera? I can barely get a kinglet in focus with my binoculars.


  7. bill- need to talk to you asap about a photo usage question. please email me asap w/ contact info, phone if possible, at berkeleydotstewartatgmaildotcom . thanks, berkeley, whittier, ca

  8. The shot of the leaping kinglet is great. How many shots do you need to take to get one leap?

  9. Ruby crowned kinglets are one of my favorite birds. I got a chance last fall to see them up close while I was helping to band birds at Presque isle State Park in Erie, PA
