Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Imposter

Every spring I get "buck fever" for the newly returning migrant birds. I strain my ears to hear the first wheezy notes of the gnatcatcher from the maple tops, the burble of the tree swallows over the meadow, the staccato phrase of the ovenbird from deep in the woods.

Today I had the fever bad. As I was returning from putting the kids on the school bus, my reptilian brain lobe registered a new sound—familiar yet unnamed. The bird making the sound only called once.

An hour later, while watering in the greenhouse, door open, I heard it again. DANG! What IS that? No visual contact. The sound was a trill then a rising buzz. I KNOW that sound.....

Forty-five minutes later I was working at my desk and I heard it again, then again.

"BLUE-WINGED WARBLER!" Right on schedule--well maybe a few days early. But this is not the blue-winged's familiar ZEEE-buzzzzzzz song. It's the late summer alternate song—why would it be singing that?

I raced outside with my binocs, camera, and iPhone (to play the bird's song back to it, if need be). Newly arrived blue-wings every spring sing from the tops of the dead ash trees in the orchard. No bird there. And the singing had stopped.

Then the thrasher started up again and immediately did a PERFECT blue-winged warbler alternate song. DOH!

It makes perfect sense. The thrashers always nest in the same brambly corner of our orchard as the blue-winged warblers. The males of both species sing from the same perches in the same trees. If this thrasher grew up here, he'd certainly have heard the alternate song the male blue-wingeds sing in late summer.

So why does the thrasher sing this song here, now, when he's got so many others from which to choose? Does this place inspire him in that specific way? Does he miss his neighbor? Or is it just the fact that he learned it here and lives here that he sings it here?

No matter his reason, he surely fooled me.


  1. You have such variety around there! Sheesh! What I wouldn't give to here something different. It's just me, the redpolls and some boreal chickadees.

  2. Hey Trix:
    We'll trade you some Carolina chickadees for your boreals and how about some northern cardinals foryour redpolls.

    BTW, a strange package arrived here today from someone named Vivi. Waiting to let the kids open it.

  3. Yippy! It's packed full of goodies for the whole family. I hope you enjoy.

    And, yes, I think a bird exchange is in order. Where to begin the paperwork??

  4. Hi Bill

    I live in the Cleveland area. And recently (I never noticed this last summer) there is this really high pitched squeeley sound outside. It lasts from dinner time through the night. Its definitely not a "buzzzz" sound, its high pitched and squeeling, and well, kinda annoying. It almost sounds like one of those nerf squeeling things the kids play with. Is it some kind of bird or something? Why haven't I ever heard this before? I've lived in the same place for years and I just started hearing it. Its really loud too!

    Anyways, in research, I stumbled across your blog and thought maybe you'd have some insight.


  5. LOL, how funny!! A talented Thrush no doubt.

  6. Jenni:

    You might be hearing American toads trilling their song of love. Ours started here in SE OH last week. Check out any nearby ponds or seepy areas of ground.

    It only lasts a few weeks, then they lay eggs and are gone.

    Check out my interview with Lang Elliott for my podcast "This Birding Life." We talk about toads a bit right at the beginning. It's episode #10 at this link:

