There's a new episode of my podcast, This Birding Life, available for download from Podcast Central on the Bird Watcher's Digest website. This episode is a conversation with Donald Kroodsma, bird song expert and author of the best-selling book The Singing Life of Birds.

This Birding Life and Podcast Central are sponsored by the good folks at Houghton Mifflin.
We offer most TBL episodes in two formats: MP3 (audio only) and M4a (enhanced with images and some interactive links). Either format can be enjoyed on your computer. The MP3 version can be played on any MP3 player (iPod or similar devices), but you'll need a video-ready iPod or media player to watch the enhanced M4a version.
Podcasts are a relatively new medium and we're constantly learning about how to create, improve, and distribute them. We welcome your feedback on our episodes of This Birding Life. Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions, or ideas here in Bill of the Birds. Or you can e-mail me via the Bird Watcher's Digest website.
I've been recording new TBL audio files during my travels this past year, so watch for more episodes in the near future. We're going to try to maintain a once a month schedule for TBL, if possible.
Don't forget you can also subscribe to This Birding Life both at Podcast Central and on the iTunes website (search for "This Birding Life" under the Podcasts category.)
I hope you enjoy this new episode.
I've been waiting for this podcast episode, Bill. Thanks!
I love Don's book so it will be nice to listen to your interview with him. --Chrissy
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