Monday, March 10, 2008

So Ugly It's Beautiful

I thought it was unfair of me to show a headless ocellated turkey from Tikal, so here is a close-up shot of the bird's head. Tikal is the best place in the world (many say) to see and photograph this unusual species. Dig those colorful caruncles?

I have a series of OT pix to share with you. GoogleBlogger is still gving me photo-uploading fits, so this one comes via Flickr.

Mas maƱana, amigos!
--Guillermo de los Pajaros


  1. I didn't think there were many birds that could top the Helmeted Guineafowl in weird looks but this guy has him beaten! As you say, it’s so unusual looking it’s kinda cute in a funny sort of way….my wife probably says the same thing about me.

  2. Bill, I just love this photo! The detail and colors are perfect! xu

  3. I like the look on its face, like "Who you callin' ugly?"

  4. If only those caruncles looked a little less like ticks ...

  5. I've never been to Tikal... the whole bird looks like a tick to me!

  6. Ack! How funny! A face only a mother could love!

  7. No such thing as an ugly bird. OK this isn't exactly pretty, but certainly an eye catching subject,

    You have some lovely bird images.

    A great find.

  8. Oh, Lynne WOULD think it's beautiful! :o) The face is OK but the skin condition is disgusting.

    yay! Mas manana!

  9. Bill,
    I love this ugly face! I'm writing a book that exposes Monsanto lies and the photo of this turkey's face would be worth a thousand words. Would you be interested in sharing it with me. Of course, I'd credit you with the photo. Thanks!
    Brett Wilcox
    brett (at) wilcoxworks (dot) com
