Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Funny Valentine

I took this photograph two days ago of a male northern cardinal escaping from the deck feeding station with a big wad of suet dough. Since it's red and swirly and weird, I thought of you.

So here is a valentine for all of my bird-obsessed/bird-centric friends out there.
Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope your heart is full.


Bill of the Birds


  1. Is your figure less than Greek?
    Is your mouth a little weak?
    When you open it to speak
    Are you smart?

    (no, yes, yes, miss you madly)

  2. You have amazed all the displaced SE Ohioans in Alaska! That is one cool picture. Happy VD to all you in Whipple.

  3. There's nothing like geting VD from Trixie. To make a holiday special!

  4. Oh, gosh. Trix sent me an e-card. Should I be alarmed?

  5. OH my... good thing I had not dropped any acid before coming here today...lololol! Happy belated VD to you too Bill!

  6. Happy Belated VD to you, too! Odd Cardinal shot but great!!!
