Monday, January 14, 2008

This January Day

Though winter's demise has been foretold
since pagan solstice last month passed us
We're still shivering in the cold
with bitter winds that do harass us.

Red-winged blackbird has lost his song
yet epaulette still lights up his shoulder
and each of us still slogs along
through day time cold and night time colder.

Sounds of spring, I hear your ghosts
the cardinal's cheer in his throat sleeping
frost-killed grass like day-old toast
I strain to hear spring peepers peeping.


  1. Lovely picture of the red-winged...we have a lot of them here and also the sharp shinned hawks.
    I have really enjoyed reading your blog and I love the pictures and see you have a lot of beautiful birding and nature blogs and photos ...I wouldlike to link to your blog from mine and add you to my nature carnival round up posts. Reciprocal link is o.k. too. Cheers.

  2. Welcome to the return of winter! This is perfect to share with everyone!

  3. Lovely poem, B. Glad you're home, and no longer stuck inside and pining. We arranged a nice snowfall and single-digit temperatures.

  4. Very nice. Although, personally I'm thrilled winter is here, though am still waiting for a really good snowfall. Perhaps later this week.

  5. And so do I...yes. The spring peepers peeping.

  6. Bill, beautiful poem! I like the line about the dry toast! It's nice to read some poetry in the middle of winter, or anytime! I love the nuthatch photos also. Since I now live in AZ I can only see nuthatches when I go to one of the "sky islands" or canyons. No complaints though, I get roadrunners and rock wrens in my backyard!
