Sunday, November 4, 2007

Giant Things That Dance!

Dirty dancing giant things! What next?

Way back on September 1, Zick and I were doing a book reading and signing at the new Books-A-Million in Triadelphia, West Virginia (a town that is soon to be renamed Cabela's, West Virginia for the giant outfitter store that has consumed that corner of The Mountain State).

As we drove up to the bookstore, which was celebrating its grand opening, we saw one of those giant dancing air sock things, powered by an air blower. This one looked like the result of a giant banana having mated successfully with a foot-long hot dog. Its movements were fluid--mesmerizing even.

Throughout the afternoon, as I watched it, it became clear that the giant dancing hotdoganana was putting the heavy moves on a nearby lamppost. It was like Patrick Swayze and that lamppost-like woman in Dirty Dancing. Except that the bananadog had better hair than the Swayzmeister.

Lots of 70s dance moves are coming back into vogue.

We did not stick around after our reading to see if the lamppost finally gave in to the undeniable charm of Mr. Yellow Wigglesdog. But if I see a bunch of yellow lampposts shimmying and shaking in front of that bookstore next time I'm there, I'll be sure to feature it here at Bill of the Birds.

I'm not sure The Bump is coming back, but you never know.

Awesome robot moves!


  1. BT3, thanks for the smile! Only thing you are missing in some wave file to go along with the dancing thing!

  2. Yes! That would certainly add to the multimedia appeal of this post, Mon@rch!

  3. Love the dancing Giant Thing*, Bill, but don't talk dirty about my Dirty Dancing Dude. Me and Patrick are going to meet up in my pottery class real soon, I'm absolutely certain of it!

    ~Kathi, humming "Unchained Melody"

    *(For more Giant Things, visit my blog today)

  4. Thanks for the big giggle this morning!

  5. You just got yourself a new nickname, Mr. Hotdognana. Anyone else wiping their computer screen this morning?

  6. Oddly, just yesterday I was in Queens, NY, and an identical giant yellow hotdoganana was dancing away. No lamp posts for it to put a move on so it tried to bump and grind my car...

  7. Wow! Thanks for enlightening me. I always thought these were just fascinating, whimsical things. But now I'm calling my local authorities to see if we can't do something about this lewd and lacivious behavior. And in front of the children yet!

  8. Great photos BT3! Thanks for a Monday morning smile! Oh wait, you cracked on Patrick Swayze's hair - what the....?! How dare you! : )

  9. I find it hard to believe that no one has commened on the lemon-lime badonkadonk on that hotdognana.

  10. Nobody puts Baby in a corner!

    A BBQ place near me has a giant pink Hotdognana. It's weird.

  11. Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man!!

    Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man!!

    Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man!!

  12. N8: Ossum video! Nice to know the origin of this phenomenon.

    I must confess: I'd LOVE to have one of these things to put out in the middle of my meadow. But then I also want one of those fiberglass dinosaurs from Mystery Hill/Prehistoric Forest in Lakeside, Ohio, and one of those Frisch's Big Boy statues, too.

  13. I love that thing!

    You reminded just how much I love that movie...woo hoo. Maybe I've watched Patrick 25 times?

    You crack me up. I had forgotten about the Bump.

  14. Clearly, it is time for a hotdognana with Patrick Swayze's face and fabulous upswept 'do on it. Bill, I believe you've found your Pet Rock.

  15. I LLLOOOVVVVEEEE Mr. Hotdognana...the freedom of his movements is inspiring...he just goes where the wind takes, what a great life!

    Beth (Toronto Canada)

  16. I've got a giant orange Hotdognana thing right down the road from me at a car dealership. I have watched him for quite some time. His moves are always freaky-fresh, and I wish I had them! Some times he swoops low, and rubs his chest on the cars, the randy thing!

    Thanks for the laugh!

  17. Looks like a reletive of GUMBY
