Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Birds Seen Early and Late

This morning, before I had to make it to an 8:30 meeting, I got out to see a few birds. And after the meetings were over, there was a bit more birding until the cloak of darkness fell at 6 pm.

This post is necessarily short since tomorrow starts with an early morning bird trip I'm supposed to help lead.

Since we had such fun with this week's Mystery Bird Quiz (congrats to Patrick Belardo for being the firstest with the bestest guess), see if you can guess where I went birding today, both early and late.

I promise to have more meat on the blog sandwich later in the week.

Eurasian collared dove.

Two plumages of white-crowned sparrow.

Enormous blackbird flocks.

Stately sandhill cranes.

Cranes looking good in front of yellow cottonwoods.

Wheeling flocks of hundreds of ducks and geese at dusk.


  1. Guess where you went birding? OK, since I missed the mystery bird (and please, keep them up - they're fun!) I will try the mystery location.

    Newell's Run?


  2. You are where I wanted to be this week! Have a great time at the Bosque!!

  3. The blackbirds are Great-tailed Grackles in flight. To me it could be either Nebraska or New Mexico but I am leaning on the New Mexico guess by "the old woman".

  4. Love the pictures. You will enjoy reading Simon Thomsetts blog on African raptors on - his photos and story telling are legendary

  5. I vote for Common grackle, myself. But they are fairly black...and birds.

  6. Hi Bill - it was so good to meet you and JZ this past week at the Festival of the Cranes. I guess you could say that I had an "inside" clue where those pictures were taken. :o) I'm glad you and your family enjoy birding, etc. at the Bosque del Apache; it's one of my favorites. I hope you plan on doing more tours next year.
