Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Pardon this short breather in the recounting of the Peru adventures. I promise to get the next chapter (about the rest of the trip to El Dorado) up on BOTB tomorrow.

In the meantime, sit a spell and enjoy the evening sky with me. Every kind of cloud up there if you look long enough. Might be holding a bit of rain, too. We could surely use it.


  1. If you get some rain, encourage it to head south a bit.

  2. See? I thought you needed more rest.

    What's rain?

  3. I think Anne and I will go for a boat ride, on our registered pontoon boat.
    If the Wardens aren't around, perhaps I will raise a glass in a long distance toast to you and yours.

  4. Hi Bill,
    I just wanted to leave a comment about Identify Yourself. I just ordered copies for Backyard Bird Shop out here in Portland, Oregon, and, of course, bought one for myself. I teach beginning birding classes for the local Audubon Society and this book will be no end of help to me in pinning down those ID challenges we work on in classes. It is clear and concise, well written and humorous and I will recommend it to all my students! THANK YOU!!
    Laura W.
    Portland, OR

  5. Thanks Laura!

    Appreciate your kind words about IDY. I had lots of expert help with that book. Very proud of it, though. We tried to eep the writing warm and friendly, like a birding mentor....
    Good luck with your class!

  6. Beautiful sky - - -

    Breathe in, breathe out
    Breathe in, breathe out.

    If you knew someone who painted, maybe in watercolors, this could be a lovely painting, as well as a gorgeous photo.

