Saturday, October 20, 2007

Adventure on Rapa Nui

There's a new episode of This Birding Life available at Podcast Central @ Bird Watcher's Digest and in the iTunes Store (Search This Birding Life under the Podcasts category--it's free!).

Episode #11 features Alvaro Jaramillo, tropical birder extraordinaire and tour leader for Field Guides, telling the story of his trip some years back to Rapa Nui (Easter Island) off the coast of Chile.

Alvaro Jaramillo on a quetzal observation platform in Guatemala.

Alvaro went to Rapa Nui on a whim, not expecting to see many birds. What he discovered there turned out to be one of the most amazing experiences of his life.

One of Alvaro's images from Rapa Nui.

This Birding Life is hosted on the Web by Bird Watcher's Digest and sponsored by Houghton Mifflin.


  1. People. Go listen to this story. Alvaro is amazing.

  2. I listened to it! Wow! What an amazing story! Thx for sharing it with the world.--Lil

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