Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Hillbilly in Piccadilly Circus

Dear BOTB Readers:

My apologies for the gap in posts here at Bill of the Birds. Geez, I get a swank new header for the BOTB blog homepage and immediately abandon my post. In fact, I fled the country.

I've spent the past six days in the UK attending the British Birdwatching Fair. While there, when I had Internet access, I did not have me bloody laptop with me. And when . . . well, you know the story, mate. I should just shut me ol' piehole and get back to bloggin'.

The BirdFair was great, the people friendly, the pubs quaint, and the weather, well the weather was quintessentially English--mostly rainy and cool.

I'll have a few posts to share about the BirdFair, but until then, I'll leave you with a photo taken of a hillbilly in Piccadilly Circus, deep in the heart of London.




  1. I can see how this could have turned into an international incident. They didn't let you drive did they?

  2. No, I had a driver for the entire trip so Merry Olde England was safe from my NASCAR-like driving technique.

  3. Hmmm...your title sounds like a cast off from a Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court. Did you see any birds while there? Or just birders?

  4. How mush does YOUR life suck? In the UK. Jeez.
    Geoff and I went there on our honeymoon, and right where you are standing, I think, is where we almost got hit by a double-decker bus. It was fabulous.

  5. If you need someone to take over your road trips to other countries, tropical forest, etc.. while you are blogging, my hand is up!

  6. I knew there was something different...love the new header!

  7. You always make me laugh! I like the new header.

  8. [irony] I know that traveling to the largest birding event in the world is rough duty, but somehow I know you'll soldier through [/irony]

    When you get back, just in case things are too quiet, I've tagged you into the seven question birding meme: http://www.bornagainbirdwatcher.com/2007/08/seven-birding-question-meme.html.

    Cheers mate!
