Monday, June 4, 2007

This Birding Life: Kenn Kaufman

Kenn Kaufman, creator of the Kaufman Field Guide Series.

A new episode of my podcast This Birding Life is available for your downloading and listening pleasure. It features a conversation with Kenn Kaufman, birding all-star, author, naturalist, and deep thinker.

We talk about a variety of topics: recruiting young bird watchers, birding technology, his fabulous field guides, and the legacy of the greatest bird watcher of all time, Roger Tory Peterson.

This Birding Life is brought to you by Bird Watcher's Digest and is sponsored by the good folks at Houghton Mifflin. You can subscribe to TBL (it's free!) by following the link along the right side of Bill of the Birds (see it over there?), or via Apple's iTunes store.

This episode of TBL is available in two formats: MP3 (audio only) and M4A (audio with images--which can be played on your computer or on your video iPod/MP3 player).

Since this is a new channel of content delivery/consumption for all of us, I welcome your comments and feedback on the This Birding Life podcasts.


  1. Hi Bill -

    I downloaded all of the shows released as of May 15 and burned them onto a CD for a recent roadtrip. I really enjoyed all of them. Very interesting stuff - I have a huge appetite for discussions of birds + technology, and I thought the interview with Wiedensaul was thought-provoking. I'm just amazed that the two of you weren't calling out bird identifications from your tower mid-interview...

    Can you do anything about the audio levels on the episode that features your talk to beginning birders? The audience applause is very loud compared to your voice on that track.

    Anyways, thanks for entertaining me during my road trip!

  2. Thanks Andy! I'll see what can be done about the levels on that track--it might take a while, though. I've got a half dozen other episodes in the can that need to be produced first. Appreciate the feedback.

  3. Hi Bill
    I can get them to play but how do I save them so I can listen later?

    Technically challenged RR

  4. Instead of clicking where it says download, right-click and choose "Save link as" or "Save target as".
