Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Song in My Head

The Song in My Head is:
by Ryan Adams and The Cardinals
from their new album
"Easy Tiger"

Ryan Adams seems to record several albums each year and this new one's already in heavy rotation for me. I first heard a song from this CD on The Henry Rollins Show in the Independent Film Channel. It was a heavy jam called Goodnight Rose and did not give me hope for the appeal of this new CD, at least to my ears, which prefer RA's more melodic work (see: La Cienega Just Smiled, When Stars Go Blue, Harder Now that It's Over, Call Me on Your Way Back Home...). Not that I don't love a heavy jam, mind you....

Then I heard Everybody Knows from "Easy Tiger," the first cut on the Paste Magazine compilation CD # 32 and I was hooked...

You know all those kooks camping outside the Apple Store waiting to by an iPhone? Well I was kind of like that for this album, "Easy Tiger." I didn't camp out anywhere to buy it, (though I DID play Everybody Knows at least 1,000 times while driving during the past month) but I did [warning: geek-moment alert!] pre-buy it from the iTunes Store. Yep! Downloaded it as soon as I could and started listening.

The first track I sparked on was Two which is also included as a live version with a bonus video of the band playing. NICE!

It's the melody that really hooked me. I'm a sucker for a nice melody. Throw in some pedal steel guitar behind the shimmering electric guitars, and a straight-up drum beat and I'm hitting the REPEAT button, babe.

I'm still listening to Two and grooving on the video of the band playing--checking out what guitars and amps they're using. The lyrics are nice, too, but, like I said, it's the melody. This guy's got catchy songwriting hooks in his DNA.

While we were in Maine, Two was the song was in my head and I was singing it to myself when I took the photograph above at low tide near Tenant's Harbor: something about the rock holding on to the seaweed (or is it vice versa?) that caught my eye.


  1. Hi, wanted to alert you to something very cool that Henry Rollins is doing. He's offering a chance to sound off on an issue for a national audience -- and the one person he personally chooses will be flown to LA to co-host the "Henry Rollins Show" marathon on IFC (Independent Film Channel) with Henry.

    Rollins is inviting you to tape a short video "rant" and the person who does the one he chooses will be flown to L.A. (the winner and a guest for 3 days/2 nights), meet Henry and host the upcoming "Rollins Show" Marathon.

    Go to and record and upload a 30-second video "rant" on one of the 11 hot topics Henry has selected (including abortion rights, has the Iraq war made us safer? Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina, is America a dumb country? global warming, etc.)

    All entries will be watched by, and the winner chosen solely by, Henry. He encourages anyone to enter, no matter their political persuasion - his only requirement: have "passion and attitude!"

    An amazing opportunity. And a chance to sound off on some issues!

    Henry explains it all, and upload your "rant" at:

  2. Well, I tried to leave a comment yesterday...I don't know what happened.

    I had no idea you watched Henry, so do we.

    Also, did you get your disc with latest edition of Paste? My came without one. Just wondering...

  3. I never cease to be amazed at the things (other than birds) I learn from you, Julie, and Birdchick. I went right out and got Easy Tiger. I just love it. Thanks for sharing even more than birds.

  4. Me too re: Easy Tiger. Went right to iTunes and bought the whole album, downloaded it onto my iPod, and went for a really nice bike ride with Ryan Adams in my ear. Thanks for the tip, and keep on with the "songs in my head!"

  5. Thanks for all the comments and compliments.

    I'll check that out. BTW, nice "saucy" blog you've got there.

    Hey Annie! How's the biking these days?

  6. Thanks for putting TWO in my head, B. Every photo of Ryan Adams I've seen involves cigarettes and liquor, and I'm wondering what it takes two of...I wish that cute lil' guy would take better care of himself. Burning out young is such a drag. I want him around forever, like Neil Young.
