Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More NoDak Kodak Moments

Feeling the need to share some more images from the Potholes & Prairie Birding Festival. This time I'll include some birds, too.

If it's OK with you, I'll let the images do most of the talking. ---BOTB.

Both western (above) and eastern kingbirds are present in nearly equal numbers in summer in east-central North Dakota.

Eastern kingbird.

Marsh wren male singing about the great nest he just built in a slough near Pipestem Creek.

This pair of barn swallows nested about the kitchen window in our house at The McCreary Place. These antlers were their fave perch.

The barnies were pretty used to humans.

This male house sparrow built a nest inside this cliff swallow mud gourd. Pretty opportunistic of him, huh?

This might be my favorite shot of all 1,300 I took in North Dakota. It was pure luck to catch this northern harrier wheeling over a fenceline.


  1. 1300 photos in 4 days.
    You're slowing down on us.

  2. Great images BOTB! I need to get out there someday to the Great Wide Open. --Jill
