My kids call me Ol' Camera Face. Photo by Ernie Hoffert.
Dear Friends:
Soon, after this post (or perhaps after one more I might sneak in this weekend), this
Bill of the Birds blog will go on a short hiatus. This is occurring for several reasons:
- My beloved Mac laptop needs to go away to rehab for at least a week--maybe longer (unseemly lines are appearing on its display).
- I will be without Web access for a spell (a mixed blessing, methinks).
- There are book and magazine deadlines looming.
- And lots of undone farm work.
- I thought if I wrote five reasons, my logic would seem more reasonable.
I will endeavor to get a post back up here as soon as possible--and surely before the fireworks paint the sky on July 4. I still have several posts cooking, including one on photographing longspurs in North Dakota,
but Zick already "got there firstus with the mostust." And I need to tell you about our encounter with the Prairie Sloughfoot.
Lest you think that's all I have to say today...
From L to R, that's Jessie, Zick, Angie, BOTB, and Ernie. We were the Pipestem Creakers. Photo by Rick Bohn.
We played music at Pipestem Creek on the Potholes & Prairie Birding Festival's first night. Pipestem Creek is the farm owned by Ernie and Ann Hoffert, two of our dearest friends from ND. We played all kinds of tunes, from Celtic to country to alternative to classic rawk! Ernie has this great deep baritone voice, which is why we call him The Velvet Fog of the Coteau. Jessie Munson plays the fiddle like there's an angel whispering in her ear. Zick sings beautifully and adds the high lonesome sound of the pennywhistle. Angie and her friend Spirit kicked in on mandolin and percussion. As for me, I just try to fit in with what everyone else is playing. It was a real treat to play for such a receptive crowd in an intimate setting, with very talented musicians.
Our final evening in ND was spent with Ann and Ernie in a patch of native prairie. We toasted the end of a great day and week. Photo by Phoebe.
Phoebe and Liam enjoyed a bit of ND birding, too. We don't pressure them (much).
And what would a post about North Dakota be without a photo of the world's largest bison?
If you ever get to Jamestown, ND, make sure you visit The Buffalo Museum. Better yet, sign up for the 2008 Potholes & Prairie Birding Festival because some of the activities will be held at this very same museum.
Please note: when you see the giant bison watch out for the giant bison prairie cakes he leaves behind.
I was thinking there must be some awfully big bison patties around. Ewwww...
Enjoy the hiatus! Enjoy the kids and farm.
Thanks Trixie. I'll enjoy the downtime. It'll be weird not to have a computer for a week. First time for that since the early 90s!
I could do with out a computer..... at work.
Are Liams bins backwards?
Remember when we didn't have the internet?
Enjoy the break. Look forward to the return of your photos and poems.
Wayne, PA
Ric: Nope those are the best kids binos out there now, Leupold Yosemites. Cost about $100. Our kids love 'em.
Patrick: We were sorry not to see you in ND. Hope it works out for next year. Life B4 Internet? Did life in fact exist then?
Heather: Thanks. I'll try to come back with a few tales to tell and images to share.
Please tell Phoeobe I love that Fruit Loops Shirt! Really!
Ahhh. Bison patties...large ones.
Have a good trip and we'll wait for you.
I'm new to reading your blog after seeing you at the Allegany Nature Pilgrimage. So enjoy your time off and will look forward to your return.
I'll miss the daily posts, but I hope you're having a relaxing vacation. No computer? Imagine...
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