Thursday, May 17, 2007

Flying North with the Birds

A singing male indigo bunting, photographed at Shawnee State Forest during the 2006 OOS annual conference.

I'll be leaving this weekend for the annual conference of The Ohio Ornithological Society at Mohican State Park near Loudonville, OH. We expect about 200 avian enthusiasts for the event--the OOS's third annual conference. Saturday night's keynote speaker is Donald Kroodsma, famed ornithologist and bird sound recorder/interpreter.

I'll be hoping to catch up with migration, too, in heading north. The blackpoll warblers are passing through here right now, which means that the major flow of spring birds is ebbing. Blackpolls have always seemed to me to be a signal that migration is slowing down. Yesterday the spruce tree outside my office window held several Cape May warblers. Today it's all blackpolls.

Wherever you are this weekend, get outside--away from the "real world" and spend some time in nature! Books and magazines and blogs and websites are great, but there's no substitution for immersing yourself in the real natural world.


  1. Neener neener, I'm goin' farther north than you are. It'll be 50 degrees and raining on Lake Superior. Whee.
    I love that bunting shot. Take more.
    Take care of your bum ankle. Lots of ledges at Mohican.
    Say hi to Malabar Farm for me.
    Miss you already. So do the bairns. Baker's lyin' on your pillow, leaving little black hairs for your return.

  2. Warm up the scope and let's see some birds!!
