Our spring–summer resident prairie warbler got in early on Tuesday morning, after spending the winter in the Sunny Tropical Southland. He shouted out his glorious song, rising up the chromatic scale, from halfway out the meadow--the same place he held a territory last summer.
Zick and I sallied forth with our cameras hoping for a bit of luck. The words of our friend and master digiscoper
Clay Taylor echoing in our heads: "Prairie warblers are the hardest songbird to photograph! I've NEVER gotten a good shot of one!"
The prairie warbler as we first saw him.
The western edge of our meadow is covered in the kind of brushy, scrubby stuff prairies love. It's got multiflora rose and sumac, saplings of several tree species, Japanese honeysuckle, and grape vines. And the middle-aged woods rise up behind this messy edge, tall tulip poplars, aspens, oaks, and maples, creating the perfect blend of buggy paradise, thick cover, and exceptional nesting and singing spots for songbirds.
A few minutes after tracking our singing male prairie, we found him about 25 feet high in a sumac/honeysuckle tangle. He sang as he foraged, seeming to ignore our movement closer to him as easily as he ignored our pishing.
Then, as if possessed by a magic spell, he came closer, then closer still. All the while he sang and foraged. And we went into full photo-monger mode. Our cameras clicked and beeped as we choked back our giggles at our good fortune.
Crouching prairie, hidden cloacal protuberance.
It lasted just a few minutes, then he was gone. But he'd given us a memorable show. We shared views of our images, high-fived a few times. Then I headed back to the house to work on a book project and Zick headed out to the orchard to continue to try her shutterbug luck.
Here are a few of my best shots from the morning. Check out
Julie's blog for her excellent pix.
Spring is here, at long last.
Perhaps a bit curious about the clicking and beeping of our cameras.
Singing for all he's worth from an apple branch.
Prairie warbler badonkadonk. Dig the red neck! He fits right in here on the farm!
Is THIS his best side?
Or is THIS his best side? Or is it the badonkadonk?