Saturday, February 3, 2007

Cold-shouldered Hawk

Young red-shouldered hawk
Eyes squinting fierce, fiery
Snow, rabbit shadow


  1. Wow, BT3! Great shot. Where? When?

  2. I love red-shouldereds. They have a much sweeter expression than red-taileds.

  3. Edit2: I took the shot on Saturday afternoon in the side yard here at Indigo Hill. Pretty sure this bird was hatched this past spring here on our land.

  4. Nice picture, this was a tick for me last year in California. I just listened to " sadness turns to slush", better than I expected! Now it's back to Mick and the boys (R, Stones.

  5. I love this picture of the red-shouldered hawk - we have the red-tailed hawks here where I live - really enjoy this blog and I visit here quite a bit when I should be doing other work!!
