Thursday, November 30, 2006

Some Visions from NM

I find that I am rarely successful at sharing all I wish to share with you here in Bill of the Birds. This is especially true after a long and wonderful trip to some birdy place. There's far too much to show and tell and not enough time to do it all justice.

So here, below, I'll share some images and comments from our recent New Mexico sojourn.

Can you spot the burrowing owl in this frame? Taken in the I-25 cloverleaf north of Socorro, NM.

Loggerhead shrikes flash like black-and-white pinwheels in flight. This one is from the road to Magdalena.

My tribute to Ansel Adams--a color image so underexposed that it looks like AA's black-and-white. This is the roiling Rio Grande near Manby Hot Springs.

Gray-crowned rosy-finches from Sandia Crest near Albuquerque. I had all three rosy-finch species there--two of which were AOU split-lifers for me.

Liam meets a yak near the Lewis' woodpecker colony. They talked about Lightning McQueen.

Phoebe, sprite of the desert spring, contemplates life atop a shaded boulder. Photo by C. Quine.

High desert road in predawn light. We can see the torn-paper shapes of distant mountains, but the road's course is obscured.


  1. It isn't often, in north america, that a boy gets to have a conversation with a yak.
    Should qualify as a life experience.

    Yak on Liam

    Ranger Ric

  2. Too true, RR.

    Of course we're hoping that we've infected the kids with the birding bug. We're not pushing it too hard, though we do make each of them do 250 binocular lifts each morning before we'll feed them breakfast.

  3. Bill,

    I had heard the Rosy-finches hadn't been seen there much this year. I'm glad you got to see them!

  4. Careful with those bin lifts BOTB. You’ll have the whole alphabet after you.
    The ABA, OFO, OOS, NAS and the CLO for being to lenient on those kids.

    They better be 10 x 40 regulars. None of those Swarovski ELs.


  5. I can't find the burrowing owl. Where is it?
