Sunday, November 19, 2006

Not Really New, Not Really Mexico

Two more birds--the only images that Blogger will take tonight. A black phoebe photographed on Bosque's famous flight deck and a female shoveler who was giving me the hairy eye.

It's been a hectic but thoroughly enjoyable couple of days. Today we went to Water Canyon and Magdalena--a richly rewarding trip down memory lane. More on that when Blogger finds its willingness to cooperate. Sorry to make excuses. We've got time but no help from the technical side of things.

Tonight we moved across the street in Socorro to the San Miguel Inn--an improvement on our previous lodging. Dinner with J. Bouton tonight at the Socorro Springs Brewery. We gagged down a few beers, just to be polite.

Mas maƱana.


  1. Just to be polite, right.
    Is it as good as Moosehead?


  2. Ric:

    Yes I'd have to say it IS as good as Moosehead.

  3. That shoveler looks like she sure has your number. Great pics, thanks for showing us the beautiful Bosque!

  4. She was only giving you the hairy eye because you kept snickering at how HUGE her bill is. Or is that just me?
