Thursday, October 5, 2006

Big Sit Video

The ever-effervescent Sharon "BirdChick" Stiteler and her non-birding hubby Bill have produced a clever video about The Big Sit. It features an interview with a guy in an orange baseball cap who is clearly a demented fan of this annual birding event. OK, so it's me, Bill of the Birds, interviewed in the video. And there is a cameo by Chet Baker, the Web's most-watched Boston terrier.

You can enjoy the video on the Birdchick Blog here.

And if you want to be part of the Big Sit insanity, here's where you check yourself in.


  1. BT3
    You had me until the penguin showed up.
    It was hilarious.

  2. hahaha, I love when you poke into the frame right at the beginning and then run out. It was very "Connecticut Warbler" of you. Too funny!
