Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Back to South Africa

I am packing to leave on another trip. This time heading to South Africa on a digiscoping tour sponsored by Swarovski Optik. I really can't afford the time away from work, family, and the farm, but it's physically impossible for me not to take a fabulous trip like this. One never knows when one is making one's last trip somewhere, does one?

We'll spend the week-plus focusing on digiscoping birds and wildlife. I'm sure I'll learn a great deal about field technique from some other, more experienced digiscopers.

I was in South Africa in 2001 and did a bit of digiscoping, though my equipment and skills were not where they are now, so the results were quite uneven. I got a few nice mammal images but not many good bird images. Am hoping for better luck this time.

And I plan to share the images here and elsewhere upon my return.

A young giraffe we found near a watering hole. Watching it stoop over to drink was hilarious.

Near Capetown there is a colony of jackass penguins. This sleeping bird was easy to digiscope.

We saw two herds of elephants along the Hluhluwe River. We did not get out of the Range Rover since several bulls were around.

I won't be back to the Cape this trip, but I enjoyed its incredible beauty in 2001.


  1. Who could pass up a trip to South Africa???? Need an assistant to carry the luggage? :-)
    Safe trip, Bill!

  2. Wow, South Africa! Always wanted a trip to the African continent and haven't given up the dream. Figger I have a few more good years left in me to do so. Have fun (and watch out for the hippos!). - GSF

  3. Glad all the negative publicity about my country does not put you off. Enjoy it - there's no place like it! Can't wait to get on the plane and head back home.
