Tuesday, May 2, 2006

More OOS, New River

OK. Enough already about the OOS conference.... except for this....

For a couple of alternative perspectives on last weekend's shindig with The Ohio Ornithological Society, slip on over to Julie's blog and Jim McCormac's Ohio Birding Blog.

The view from Picnic Point in Shawnee State Forest, looking upriver toward the charming river town of Portsmouth.

Doing the checklist at OOS. "Can I get an AMEN for an ovenbird!" "AMEN!" Ethan Kistler (center) is controlling my actions with his laser eyes, while Jim McCormac (right) watches helplessly.

Today I leave for the New River Birding and Nature Festival in Fayetteville, WV. Where I'll be leading trips and performing music tonight and Saturday night. So if you've got nothing to do, come see us in The Mountain State of West Virginia (known as Almost Heaven due to its proximity to Ohio, I think).

If there is Internet access, I will share some images and words about our mountain sojourn. The whole family is coming, including Chet Baker. Festival attendees will need to guard themselves or their faces will be licked (by Chet).


  1. Hey Bill,
    Great shots! When are you going to write a book "Birders from Behind" ? Cheryl Harner

  2. Bill...
    Your photo with the microphone...reminds me of a Talent Show 1978? ....The song in my head, "Deer Hunt'n"
