Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bird Watching: Pass It On!

All eyes on Mr. T. Phoebe's bird-brained daddy.

I've spent several days this winter and spring visiting Phoebe's 4th-grade class to talk about birds, about being a bird watcher, and about producing a magazine and books for bird watchers. The kids have been really enthusiastic about my afternoon "bird-brain" sessions, so I'm sure I'll continue them next year, assuming I am smart enough to teach 5th graders.

My goal: to teach these young 'uns that birding is fun, and that birds are really fascinating creatures. (And that there is more to the world of birds than hoot-owls, eagles, and ostriches). Unfortunately our field trip to Indigo Hill last week was rained out. I was looking forward to Julie showing the kids our baby bluebirds in the nest, and how we run our nest box trail.

My last session with the kids this spring was on Monday. Afterwards we went outside for a photo of the class practicing their "lock your eyes on the bird" technique. What a great bunch! I'm looking forward to our classroom adventures next year. But mostly I look forward to seeing Phoebe light up when I walk into the class (here's hoping that doesn't change anytime soon).

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy working with 4th graders! I had my 4th grade class participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count. They LOVED it -- especially the idea of being Citizen Scientists! Very cool stuff. I plan to do it in the future no matter what grade I teach. Luckily, we have about 8 ravens that live at our school so even Kindergarteners can successfully identify them without confusion!
