Thursday, April 20, 2006

Brain Bowl

This afternoon Phoebe and I are driving north to the Akron/Canton area where, tomorrow, Phoebe and a team from her school, will compete in the state Future Problem Solving Bowl in Alliance. It's too complicated to explain, so we just call it The Brain Bowl. Or sometimes "The Bowl of Brains.
I've loved walking Phoebe out to the bus each morning this week. Chet loves it, too.

I'm so proud of Phoebe and her smarts (inherited from her mom). Spending a few days with her at this event is going to be really fun (I've promised a mini shopping spree). She does not seem to be at all nervous about the weekend's competition, which impresses her Nervous Nellie dad.
Phoebe and Liam, dressed for the school carnival, themed "Hollywood."

Not forgetting the purpose of this blog.....
Several new birds arrived yesterday and today at Indigo Hill: white-eyed vireo, black-throated green warbler, ovenbird, black-and-white warbler, and double-crested cormorants (a V of about 30 flew over yesterday morning).


  1. It's obvious she gets her smarts from her mother that' a no brainer.

  2. What a great daddy you are!
