Saturday, February 18, 2006

Bitter Cold

It's bitterly cold here on Indigo Hill today. And it's surely going to get worse after the weakling sun sets in an hour.

This image shows our snow-dusted meadow this afternoon, at the warmest point of the day--22 degrees. You can understand why I'm hoping the American woodcock males wait a bit before arriving here from the warmer South. The ground is icy, though not completely frozen. It might not break a foraging woodcock's bill, but he might get a headache.

At dusk on spring evenings, we may have as many as five male woodcocks performing in our meadow,
with others in nearby clearings and pastures.
Photo by Phoebe Linnea Thompson.

1 comment:

  1. Wanted to pop in and say I enjoy your blog. Today here in the Piedmont of NC was a seen from The Birds, thousands of Robins and an occasional Blue Jay, Cardinal and various others, and all speaking of their displeasure with our cold air. It was a truly awesome sight to see and hear.
