Sunday, January 1, 2006

First Bird of 2006

My first bird of 2006!

For as long as we've been together, Julie and I have made a big deal out of our first bird of the year. One year, in an effort to make sure she got eastern bluebird as her first species of the new year, I blindfolded her and guided her to the studio window and told her exactly when and where to look. She got it.

This morning I glanced out the window and saw a male northern cardinal, then remembered that this was NEW YEAR'S DAY! And this was my FIRST BIRD of 2006! Hey, it's a pretty good one, though. It could have easily been a house sparrow--we've been invaded this winter. Among the first 10 bird species I've seen in 2006 are eastern bluebird, eastern phoebe, and pileated woodpecker.

Julie's first bird was a blue jay. No blindfold needed.

1 comment:

  1. Hello
    Our first bird was a blue jay followed by a chick a dee-dee-dee

    The eagle didn't show up until 3.00pm.
    Erie still isn't frozen. Sorry BT3
