Thursday, December 15, 2005

Winter's Longest Days

Man, today was one of those winter days that makes even the youngest among us think of moving to Florida, or at least to somewhere less frigid. We had freezing rain from dawn onward. That's just not right. The birds at the feeders looked downright miserable--like a bunch of taxpayers waiting to be audited.

I went in to the office at BWD and participated in some incredibly robust meetings, but I'd much rather have been reading my copy of North America's finest birding publication under a palm tree on Mexico's Isla Mujeres (as shown above).

Have you ever read BWD in some unusual place? (The bathroom is not THAT unusual). If so, please send in a photo of you (or someone) reading your beloved BWD in some unusual place or situation. And (assuming it's OK for public consumption) we'll share it with other Bill of the Birds readers. Cool? Cool!

Here's hoping the sun shines tomorrow, on all of us.

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