Monday, November 7, 2005

Leaves Have Left

On Thursday and Friday, 11/3 and 11/4, our place was glorious! The trees were at their peak of fall color. By Saturday, 11/5, the red leaves were turning brown and the yellow leaves were going orange. On Sunday, 11/6, the air was full of leaves falling to the ground. It's a bit tough on the mind knowing that we'll have to face the winter ahead so soon after fall's incredible showing. Bleak gray skies, leafless trees, and mobbed bird feeders.

These images capture two views from our tower. The northward view is all trees. The southward view shows our meadow, lined with autumny trees. The southward view is being photographed by Julie, Indigo Hill's in-house artist and photographer.

Now that the leaves have left, it's time for my annual backyard ritual, the building of the brushpile. Somehow I feel better building the birds a little bit of shelter to use on our cold, windy ridgetop. I'll try to remember to document this project with digital photographs.

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