Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Cranky Bluebird

I'll never be a world-famous bird photographer (like the dude who took the famous Mad Bluebird photo). Yet I feel compelled to share my own digital image of Sialia sialis, a piece I call "Cranky Bluebird." I took this photo last winter on a very cold morning. This male had already eaten his fair share of the suet dough. And when I took his picture he was just sitting tight keeping the other bluebirds from eating.
Our bluebirds have just this week returned to our yard from their annual sojourn elsewhere. We think they take a break in early fall to get their last brood acclimated to foraging on their own. From late August to mid-September we rarely see them, so when they return later in the fall, we're very happy to welcome back our old friends.

Bye for now,


1 comment:

  1. Just a relation to the famous MAD BLUEBIRD one of his decendents no doupt
