Longtime readers of this blog may recognize the phrase "out there with the birds." It's been a kind of catch phrase of mine for a long time, used to sign-off from my presentations, my blog posts, and my
podcast: "I'll see you out there with the birds!"
Now the content team at
Bird Watcher's Digest has borrowed the phrase as the title of our new multi-author blog,
Out There with the Birds. Why create a multi-author blog? That's a good question. Multi-author blogs are very popular these days. Two of the more successful ones focused on birding are
10,000 Birds and the
American Birding Association blog—both are worth checking out.
BWD is a magazine for readers, we tried to emulate that for the blog. If you like reading good writing from new voices in the bird and nature realm, please give
OTWTB a try. The topics and subject matter are all over the map. In fact, you never know what you're going to be reading, but we guarantee you that it's going to be interesting, well-written, and worth your time.
Dawn Hewitt,
BWD's managing editor, is the content wrangler for the blog. Her job is to keep the posts rolling in and to make sure that the blog and its contents help us reach our two goals: to provide engaging, entertaining, thought-provoking content for the blog's readers, and to expose the blog's authors to a new, wider audience.
Among the many authors are some well-known names in the birding realm, such as
Bo Beolens (a.k.a.
The Fatbirder),
artist, author, and marine-life expert
Sophie Webb, poet and editor of
Bird Watching Magazine (UK)
Matt Merritt, as well as newer voices such as naturalist, photographer
Erin Gettler, and ace bird photographer
Tom Dunkerton. We've had individual posts by a number of other authors, including
Jason Kessler, the filmmaker responsible for the
Opposable Chums documentary about the World Series of Birding.
latest post is a guest contribution from Clay Taylor of
Swarovski Optik NA recounting his recent
Costa Rica birding trip with
Birder of the Year contest winner Lyn Stallings. Swarovski and
BWD partnered to sponsor the 2013 Birder of the Year (BOTY) contest with the grand prize of an all-expenses-paid, week-long birding trip to Costa Rica, plus a pair of new Swarovski SLC binoculars. Here's a hot tip: the 2014 BOTY contest will be announced soon, so watch for it in the pages of
BWD's content and events team, from L to R: BOTB, Wendy Clark, Kyle Carlsen, and Dawn Hewitt. |
We also include some work from two of our
BWD content team—
Dawn Hewitt and
Kyle Carlsen. Both of these folks are talented writers and avid birders, which is incredibly useful if you're producing a constant flow of bird-related material for a variety of delivery channels. I feel very lucky to have these two on our team.
So please check out the content on
OTWTB and let us know what you think of it. Better yet, if you have something you'd like to contribute to be considered for the blog, please contact us via e-mail: bwd AT birdwatchersdigest DOT com. Use the subject line OTWTB.
Thanks, and I'll see you....well, you know the rest!