Friday, July 25, 2014

Ponder This...

Who brings baby storks to their parents?

It's a question that has befuddled mankind for centuries.
 I'd be interested in hearing your conjecture.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Birthday Tribute to Julie

Happy birthday to Julie!

Who is, among other things...
A wonderful, loving Mom
A mother to thousands of baby birds
A science chimp
An amazing artist
 An enthralling writer
A writer of irresistible songs
And fantastic singer of same
A talented pennywhistler
A gardener with green thumbs (and hands, and feet)
A healer of broken plants and animals
A sought-after nature guide
A world-class speaker/presenter
A runner of country roads
A crazy dog lady (Boston terriers only)
a wanderer in the woods.
and a beautiful, loving (and fun-loving) partner.

With love,

 Here's a beso from our evening primrose.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Happy 18th Birthday to My Favorite Bird

 To my darling daughter on the occasion of her 18th birthday.

You are a miracle to me, little bird. 
You were wise from your first day...

 So alive and deeply aware, for one so young, of the things that make this life wonderful.
Like grandpas who say funny things and then smirk.

 And the perfect arc of a tire swing on a summer evening.

Or the smooth feel of a baby rhino's horn.

You have proven, since your youngest days, that you can be from the country and still have swag.

You are willing to indulge your little brother, who is your shadow, in his Halloween schemes, his wacky dreams, and encourage him to follow in your footsteps.

 Your running footsteps and all the others, too.

Not everyone can go from goofy...

To glamorous as effortlessly as you, Phoebe...

Even the animals of the forest (and kitchen) sense your special nature...

I'd like to take credit for your love of baseball, but that, too, you came to all on your own.
 I am just your happy baseball buddy.

 Your mama has made you into quite the Science Chimp and Nature Girl.


And it's a good thing, because you seem to have met another of your kind....

I was there when you were born.
I have been blessed to see you growing.

 I have seen you pass milestones, one after another.

And now you launch into a new world.
My sweet little bird, it's time for you to fly away.
 But please, oh please, return
for we cannot imagine our world
without you,
darling, beautiful Phoebe.
 Happy 18th birthday to Phoebe Linnea Thompson!