I got a call last week from The White House.
OK it was from a junior public relations staffer in the White House press office calling about a press opportunity, but still, it was a call from The White House.
Well, it seems President Bush was going to be attending a press event concerning migratory bird conservation at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Refuge in suburban Maryland, outside of Washington DC.
And I think someone in the White House press office must have said:
"OK. Who can we possibly get to show up for this press event?"
And another press office staffer must have said:
"I dunno, why not call one or two of those bird magazines."
So the call came in and my thought process went like this:
Hmmm. We're not a political magazine, but we do publish articles about bird conservation.
But George W. Bush is one of the least bird-friendly presidents in my lifetime!
True, but what politician IS truly bird friendly these days?
Still, wouldn't it be cool to dispatch one of our field editors to cover this event just to see what it's like? To see the media machine in action?
Besides, the Prez might not even show up.
But then again he might!
So I called BWD Field Editor Howard Youth, who lives near Washington D.C.
Now, the LAST thing I want to do is get into a flame war here in BOTB about the current President of these United States. If you want to do that, I'm afraid you'll have to look elsewhere.
And as much as I might like to, I'm not going to rant here about politics, or about this administration's policies and actions in the arena of conservation or anything else. There are a million other places to immerse yourself in that sort of thing.
It's not that I don't have opinions (I certainly do) or that I don't want to Change the World (I want to do that, too). It's just not what I do here in Bill of the Birds. If you know me at all, you know exactly where I come down on all of this stuff.
What I do here in this little corner of the Blogosphere is tell stories (which I hope are funny, interesting, moving, amazing, and even... ironic) and to try to entertain.
So, let's get back to the press event...
I asked Howard to attend--really just for him to see what it was like. I asked him to give us a straight cub-reporter-style article about it. I mean, it's not every day that you get to be at a small press event with a U.S. President.
By shuffling his very hectic youth soccer coaching schedule, Howard was able to make the scene.
Here is his report, along with a few photographs that the White House press office sent to him afterwards.
President Promotes Migratory Bird Conservation
by Howard Youth
On a crisp October morning at the Patuxent Research Refuge in Maryland, President Bush expressed his concern for the plight of migratory birds and his hopes for their future. As yellowlegs yodeled from the lake shore and kinglets buzzed and chattered in the trees, the Chief Executive outlined a mixed bag of initiatives he hopes will protect feathered creatures and enable Americans to enjoy "the beauty of birds for years to come."
The President's programs included some already underway and others in the early stages, including:
- A new policy called recovery credit trading, in which landowners who improve wildlife habitats on their land can accrue credits they can sell to off-set habitat alterations done elsewhere.
- Conservation tax incentives that reward landowners who donate conservation easements, contributions of property rights that ensure long-term conservation. The President urged Congress to pass this measure in the Fiscal Year 2008 budget.
- The President's allocation of more than $509 million in Fiscal Year 2008 to USDA Farm Bill conservation programs including the Conservation Reserve Program, which provides incentives to farmers who rest and protect their land as wildlife habitat.
- A Department of Interior effort to build migratory bird stopover spots in parks and backyards in five cities, a project that would provide a blueprint for how other cities can follow suit.
- The 2009 publication of a "State of the Birds" report that identifies species in need and charts conservation progress and areas needed for improvement to boost troubled species.
Some other noteworthy observations from Howard:
President Bush asked if screech-owls "only hoot at night." Once he got confirmation, he quipped, "That sounds like my press corps." Few attending press people laughed.
President Bush's hand was warm on a cool fall a.m. As he shook my hand he called me 'dude', saying: "Good morning, dude. Nice to see ya!"
Precious few real details were provided and there was no Q&A session, leaving many open questions. It's a lame-duck mixed bag of things he's signed or would like implemented.
well, i can't say that . . . . I can't say this! hmm, maybe your field reporter can tell us if the Screech Owl left his holder a white present?
I'm struggling to understand the reason for the post. And more importantly, why I felt obliged to comment.
Meanwhile, I'm struggling to understand the import of the initiatives outlined. It sounds to me like a series of mild pats on the back, to encourage already conservation-minded private landowners to protect their own parcels. Those "thousand points of light" again, I guess.
Howard. Duuuude. Glad you could make a report from the front lines. Ducky!
Think of this post as an owl pellet coughed up by BOTB. Pick through the thick, mucus-matted fur of words and you'll find bones and a skull (or maybe The Skull & Bones Society).
Our college system received a federal grant for each campus to create and maintain a wildlife habitat. The sum of money, to be spent before March 09, isn't enough to haul in fill dirt - forget about plants, nesting boxes and berry producing shrubs & trees. ughhh. We'll have a raffle for a bird bath.
Most of the policies he outlined have been implemented at the state level for many years now. Details here.
Nothing new actually. But he looked good right?
The owl pellet metaphor really works. You are one clever man, or as others might say, you are a Duuude. For ever so many reasons I am glad you sent Howard rather than going yourself.
I also read that these Federal proposals will somehow benefit species of ocean fish that are popular with SPORT FISHERMEN ! And that group includes...need I say more ?
The pictures, well ummm, it's a fine Screech Owl ! A pellet would be appropriate.
However, it was a call from THE WHITE HOUSE and nice recognition for BWD, which as we all know, is an outstanding publication.
I look at it this way: How many times do you see a bird featured nationwide in the newspapers?
No matter your views on politics, the mere mention of Americans enjoying birds by the commander-in-chief is good for birders.
Did the Screech Owl impart any wisdom to the Bird in Chief? Nuff said...
BOTB has opinions on politics. No! Really?
You do know why it is called the "white" house, don't you?
Your Canadian Connection.
A president using the term "dude" is simply beyond words for me. Sigh...I am liking the owl pellet simile. All very weird. Glad you shared it, though.
Dubya and Mrs. Dubya look completely charmed by the beautiful little owl he is holding. Lets hope this little fellow will insinuate himself into the president's consciousness and conscience enough to make him pause for thought, with a issue like the imminent collapse of the protection for the Spotted Owls (see: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/18/us/18owl.html).
OK - I know, a long shot, but one can dream....
Or, maybe we can write to remind of him of that charmed moment and the western owl cousins whose lives hang in the balance.
Oh my.
How long ago did that word get old?
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